Monday, September 15, 2014

X-Men 8: Games of Future's Past Development

The end is nigh!  For the quarter that is.  This week will be the last official gathering of the G-Dev crew for the quarter.  Happy shout out for those of you taking final review. 

Last meeting was very productive.  We were able to come up with a rough timeline for work to be done by next quarter.  That's right, work never ceases.  A dropbox was created so that we may continue to share our work over the technological Ether.  Our merciless overlords have decreed that this is what shall be done:

2D:  By the end of the quarter have all the all the turnarounds done and in the Dropbox.  Have the poster for the club done and ready for review.  Over the break check the drop box for UVW's of the models to texture.  Next quarter be prepared for model and environment texturing.

3D:  Over the break complete all character models from turnarounds.  Unwrap and rig models.  Next quarter be prepared for animating models.

Programmatons:  By next quarter we have been promised that selection/grouping, movement, and character behaviors will be done and flawlessly perfect.

It's exciting to have such clear goals set for us and we will endeavor to keep up the good work.  Remember to come to the last meeting this week so we can clear up any confusion about who's doing what, what's doing whom, and to get the dropbox information.

Everyone have a relaxing (and INDUSTRIOUS) break and I will post again sometime over the interim when we have some good work to show.

- Andrew Fuller, V.P.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

National Lampoon's Game Development Club

Another couple weeks have passed us by and the tiniest morsel of a game has been drawn from the Ether.  Models have been put up, models have been promised, rigging has commenced.  Programites have created a selection method for horde control.  Things are looking up, though we have had a small setback.  Some rude crude teaching dude has decided to take up residence in our sacred meeting place, but not until noon o'clock.  This means prompt arrival around eleven will give us our full hour, and should our brain storms turn to tornadoes we do have an overflow option of the room next door.  So... what does our crystal ball see in the future?

2D - Jacob has promised us turnabouts for Zombies by next week
        Logan is still in development for the club poster

3D - Nate has supposed models of the hulk hidden away
        Pajo is working on the sprinter female model
        Josh is screaming for models to rig
        Andrew is contemplating unwrapping vanilla models for texturing

Computators - Padewan Obasi is working with Sith Lord Fouad on flocking horde movement and path selection for zombies

Everyone has a mission, lets keep up the good work! G- Dev for Life! *gang signs*

- Andrew Fuller, V.P.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Civilian Vanilla Male Rig

So I know the model is in its pre-made infancy but I decided to add a few edge loops to crucial areas, and rig it, so far, the mesh deforms rather well. The rig is fully scale-able, and has a foot roll system in place.
The clavicle/shoulder area requires some addressing,  as well as the wrist, the pelvis/thigh also needs some more edges for deformations. And as long as you maintain the volume of the mesh, I can easily update the rig with the improved version.
Also, Im bored again...
Here is a quick sample video of a terrible animation.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Concept For Vanilla Male

Here is a concept model for the Vanilla Survivor.  Right now it has a mesh smooth on it that puts it above 1500 polys but we can remove it or collapse polys to bring it down.  Also clothes?  We can discuss next meet. 

Happy hunting!

- Fuller, V.P.

G-Dev V: The Final Frontier

KKKHHHHAAAAANNNNN!!! Alright, I know that's from star trek two but I am running out of movie sequel titles that get past five.  Anywho, last meeting covered a lot of what we already knew and was more of an update of work being done. 

We now have survivor turnarounds for modellers to gander at and do their worst (best?).  2d'ers will continue working on more turnarounds for zombies and troopers.  Programmers are still trying to figure out horde movement and selection.  Hopefully we will all have work to show for the next meet.

Logan has taken the noble quest of creating a club poster.  The info required for the poster is in the G-Dev folder on the MAA.  Noob.

Keep up the good work and we will have a nice show and tell next meet!

- Andrew Fuller, V.P.